Thursday, May 31, 2012

photo time

 How they love their little sister
 little dancer

 Big bow
 They had to try it too

 I made these dresses (little bugs)

You caught me!

Friday, May 18, 2012

quick pic

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Yes Morgan next time you call you can't say your waiting for a post ;). 

Monday afternoon I started with lower abdomen and back pain and had pretty regular contractions so Matt and I headed into labor and Delivery.  I had called my doctor and after telling the nurse what was going on she said to go in especially since I was only 35 weeks and 1 day.  Upon arrival I was only dilated to a 1 but had constant contractions so they gave me some drugs to either stop braxton hicks or encourage labor.  After only an hour I was dilated to a 3.  They kept me overnight but I never progressed from there so they sent me home Tuesday morning.  By 4:30 I was back in L&D dilated to a 5 and the doctor decided that I was far enough along in labor she was willing to help it along. 

My friend has recently completed classes on becoming a Doula (Labor Coach).  Basically she is there to do whatever I want her to do.  We had decided to ask her to come to help.  I had decided I wanted to try not to have an epidural and I knew I needed some help.  When the contractions started to pick up in pain she showed me different positions that would make them more bearable.  Instead of laying in bed the whole time I was up moving around or sitting on a birthing ball and it made a world of difference. 

At around 10pm the doctor came in, said I was at an 8, the head was down and she was going to break my water.  I thought some of the earlier contractions were strong.  After telling (maybe more of a yelling) Matt to stop touching me a couple of times and some screaming Avalon was born about 10:15pm.  As soon as she was out I felt great! my Doula kept telling me that as soon as you think you can't do it your almost done.  So very true.  There was probably only 5 min of intense pain and it was over. 

Avalon Raine Reynolds weighed in at a whopping 6lbs 9oz and 18inches long.  Compared to Zeke's 9lbs 1oz and Corban's 8lbs 1oz she is tiny but for a 5 week early baby she is really big.   I was only able to hold her a second before they took her and Matt to the NICU to help her with her breathing. 

To Be Continued.......(more pictures are coming)