Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Wreck of Good Fortune

Hey all if you haven't already heard I accidentally ran "Pedro" ( my Camry) off a dirt road into a ditch the last friday in June. Matt and I were on our way up to the Porter Family Reunion. Other then a flat tire the car was fine, and other then my nerves Matt and I were OK.

When I got back to work on Monday some of the girls I work with talked me into going to see my OB just to make sure everything with the baby was alright. So I was able to see the PA that afternoon. Matt left school early and met me at the office. They did an ultra sound and guess what we saw?!?!?!?

Its a BOY!!!! The technician says that unless "it" falls off it will stay a boy. Anyway we are very excited to have found out at only 16 weeks. So in the end the wreck gave us the opportunity to support our suspicions that little Zeke was on his way.