Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week 30... this is going so fast!

That's right I am in my 30th week of pregnancy, only 10 weeks (or less) till we have a new baby in the house. I have washed all of the newborn and 0-3 months clothes and made room for them in Zeke's dresser. Most of them I think will work with the weather since both boys are fall babies even though it doesn't get near as cold here it feels cold with the humidity. We bought a bassinet off craigs list and its set up in our bedroom. Mom is making bedding for the crib and it should be here in the next few weeks. The new double stroller is sitting in the garage and Zeke can't wait to use it. I have a few things to get out of storage like the car seat, bouncer, swing, ect but I think we are about ready for Corban to come. Well one think I really need to start working on is his blessing outfit, who knows how long it will take for me to finish that.
We went to the OB yesterday for the start of the every two week appointments and she said that if we wanted she is willing to induce me around a week early as to prevent a 9lb baby. This is comforting in two ways; first Corban will hopefully be smaller then Zeke was, and he will be here in time for his baby blessing. Everything at the appointment looked good. I was scheduled to take the glucose test to check for gestational diabeties but as I got 3/4 of the drink down it all came right back up. My doctor isn't worried about me having it so we are just going to skip the test. If you are wondering yes I am still having problems with nausea and morning sickness but only throw up around once a week.
Zeke has started to take gymnastics once a week on fridays (just like Jonah). He has had 2 classes and really enjoys them. It is actually one on one with the coach right now for around 1 hour. We are looking for a friend to join him but no luck yet. Anyway it is a mommy and me class but since Matt is still on break he comes too. On the ranch I work on they built a small gym for the owners boys and hired a coach to work it. No we don't get a discount but it is very reasonably priced.
Zeke's new interest seems to be trains, we saw Thomas the Tank Engine last saturday on TV and ever since then he goes around the house saying "choo choo" well and there is also dinosaur train on every morning. He has also discovered there is a train in a few of the books we read and they are now the ones he asks for at bed time. Maybe we can get him a train for his birthday.
I have taken pics and video to put on here but the laptop is in the shop and the desktop doesn't like to upload from the camera so once I get the laptop back I will load some pictures. Zeke is getting sooo big as well as my tummy.