Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wonder Pheobe!!!

Long story short she alerted us this morning around 5AM of someone trying to get in our back door (that was left unlocked) by barking which she rarely ever does at night while in her crate. Matt went down saw someone out the back door and we called 911. The barking must have scared them off because by the time the police came there was no sign of anyone or any damage. We think it was a teenager up to no good. Yeah for Pheobe!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Welcome to the Boys Club

It is official I will be out numbered 3 to 1 come October. Congrats for those who guessed correctly. We had thought it would be a girl but are very excited for a boy. We are starting to decide on a name and I think we have one but when we decide for sure I will let you all know.

Thanks Morgan and Tanya for telling me about the Half Tee's I will be hosting a party for them around the 24th of this month. You can order from my party it is a little cheaper then online but the shipping would be the same. Also if you already have one I want to know what you think.

Zeke has been sick recently with a high temperature (the thermometer wouldn't work and by the time I got to the store to get another one the fever was gone) I am guessing around 101 or 102. He was miserable and developed what I believe to be a heat rash ( he gets those easy here) he also has the worse diarrhea ever. Well the fever left and a rash came and he acts normal now. Roseola has been going around here so that is what we believe it is. Now that the fever is gone he isn't contagious so we can go out again.

Zeke has discovered morning cartoons and loves them!!! We have started getting up at 7AM for the summer so he gets to see some he has never seen like Super Why. It is funny to watch him laugh at things he thinks are funny or if someone on the tv laughs he joins in too. When a show or commercial has music in it a lot of times he will jump up and start dancing to it. He is becoming quite the dancer, especially now that we watch so you think you can dance. He tends to pick up some of the moves he sees.

Matt has started teaching summer school and is really enjoying himself. He has a wider range of deaf children to work with and his hours are 8-12:30. He wishes that every school day was like that. He will be teaching for this week and next week Mon.-Thurs.

I am starting to work more hours at the ranch and being the "bread winner" for the summer as Matt puts it. They are being really probably overly careful with me cause of the pregnancy but its nice not to be bombarded with a ton of stuff. I officially have a tummy big enough that people are starting to ask what I am having. Thanks to a very generous birthday gift form my boss I was able to buy some new maternity clothes that better fit this hot weather as well as a double stroller for the boys. Thanks Grady!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Any Guesses?

We have an appointment for an ultra sound on Thurs the 10th, if the baby cooperates we shouild find out if it is a boy or a girl. I am interested to see what you all think.

PS. Please tell Grandma Selman that we will find out on Thursday and I will call her. I have told her this a few times but I don't think she remembers cause she wrote in my birthday card about how I already know and need to call and tell her. Thanks!