Friday, September 2, 2011

Sleeping Boys

Enjoy the movies!

I guess we wore the boys out this summer.  Here are some of the different ways they fell asleep.

Just too tired to get the Animal Crackers clear to his mouth
He insisted he was hungry but fell asleep before he could eat.
Zeke usually reads himself to sleep each night

He fell asleep with gummies in his mouth. It was a very sticky mess

Both boys did a lot of this on our trip to and from Utah.

Snoozing with Daddy

Look how well daddy can multi-task.

Here are some of the adventures we had this summer.  I need to do a lot better at remembering the camera though.
Both boys are little fish, they LOVE the water.

Here is Zeke's Batman pose.

The boys usually have a great time playing together.  Zeke is a great big brother and tries to keep Corban out of trouble.  Corban always has a smile for his big brother and tries to do everything he is doing.

Here is our little vampire.  He went quite a few weeks with just these 2 teeth.

Corban quickly discovered the stairs and mastered going up them.  Coming down is a different story.

Just chillin' at Nana and Papa's

Corban and his crooked grin

Corban takes after his grandma Raine.  He couldn't get enough black licorice.
A box turned in to hours of fun for Corban.
 Yesterday night was the first craft group night that I started for my ward.  The plan is to have a quilt set up each time that the ladies can sit down and work on if they want and then they will be donated to local charities and such.  Well I was worried that people would show up expecting there to be a quilt this week.  We asked the sisters to donated the fabric but no one had yet so Yesterday I whipped this twin quilt top together.  In the end I realized I had no batting for it.  Luckily those who came to craft night brought things to do.  Now that the quilt is done I am tempted to keep it since we don't have any twin blankets for our two twin beds.  I think I have enough material to make another blanket that we can tie for craft group in two weeks. We will see how it goes.
Corban was lulled to sleep by the sewing machine and stayed that way till Zeke came to help.

Zeke was a big helper with the quilt and wanted to cut and sew everything just like mommy.