Saturday, December 11, 2010

Porch, 2nd Birthday, Who-ville

Zeke loves being a big brother!
Here is our new patio thanks to our parents help.

We left the end uncovered as a sandbox. It is one of Zeke's favorite places to play.

Zeke's favorite way to sleep.

Zeke's 2nd birthday cake, He loves trains.

Our ward Christmas party was a who-ville theme. Since Zeke and Dad were in need of a haircut anyway we gave them who-ville Mohawks. Zeke looks so cute we are thinking of leaving it for a while.

Mommy's who hair-do
Waiting in line for Santa. (we were able to braid Matt's beard :D )

Zeke had to sit on Santa's lap twice! He thought it was awesome.

Corban looks really relaxed in Santa's arms.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cronilogicly backwards

Do they look like country boys?

This is how we found Zeke after a nap one day. He had taken off his clothes and diaper

There is pic of Zeke in this same outfit on our blog (2008) do you think they look alike?

Thanks great g-ma Selman for the outfit!

"hey dad we are trying to watch TV"

Diaper Buddies (hopefully not for too much longer)

"look mom people just gave me this candy"

Teddy Bear

"Tool Man"

Blessing Day!

Taken a snooze together.

Being a big brother is hard work!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where are all the pictures?

Well to answer the above question they are still on my camera and I would love to show them to all of you but I can't find the cord that connects the camera to the computer and the card reader on the computer doesn't want to work. Thus no pictures but I will work on getting them on ASAP. I also need to give an update on how our family of 4 is doing but I have to go check on the boys so it will have to wait as well. Sorry.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Matt took me to a nice restaurant. I wanted to dress up nice and a dress from a high school dance was strechy enough to cover my big tummy. I felt kinda funny but we had a great time out. (this was a little over a week before Corban was born)
New New Born Picture

Proud Daddy

Zeke is so excited to finally have the baby here. Now if he would only call him Corban instead of just baby. :)

I love this picture. Daddy did a good job.

Getting ready to go home.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Corban is here!

So I had finally accepted that Corban would not be born till my scheduled enduction on the 11th (next week) and now here he is. Monday morning a friend had a baby shower for me and I starated having some strong contractions but I have had them before and it was nothing so I thought nothing of it. But as soon as I got and put Zeke down for a nap I took a warm ginger bath to see if that would calm them down. Well they only became worse and then started getting painful. So I called Matt who left work early and Jill who picked Zeke up, and we were soon at the hospital checked in around 4pm. The doctor and nurses thought we would have a baby in an hour or 2 but 4 hours later still no baby. After a little help from some drugs and not very much pushing from mom Corban was born at 9:45 pm on 10-4-10.

He looked so small weighing only 8lbs 1oz and 20in long. I say small because his big brother was 9lbs 1oz. But like his big brother he didn't have a lot to say when he came out even with the 3 nurses many attempts to get him to cry, because of this it took some time to get his lungs cleared out and him breathing normally. Besides that he was perfect.

I have tried to upload some pictures but the hospital internet is not letting me so I will have to try again at home.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Belly

I have finally taken some pictures of my growing tummy. Zeke is showing you where mommy's baby is. If you just ask him where the baby is he will point to his own tummy. :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Elephants, elephants...

We went to the circus last night and Zeke really enjoyed himself. His favorite things were the tigers and the elephants.

This video is of the main elephant and if you listen you can here Zeke in the background.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Here is a bunch of random pictures of mostly Zeke. Hope you enjoy!
Most things can become a hat if you are creative enough.
Just trying to lick out every last bit.

This is how much I enjoyed it!

Such a big smile!

Climb and slide, climb and slide, climb and ...........

Zeke peeking out of a toy at the park.

Zeke was a big help in makeing daddy's fathers day gift. The frame ended up saying "Super Dads have Super Kids" then we put a picture of Zeke with superheros at 6flags

I tried to be a seamstress and make pioneer outfits for Zeke and I for the 24th. Since I didn't have any patterns I think it went well and it could also work for a pirate costume too.
Here is all of us dressed in our pioneer costumes. The stake 24th activity was fun but it was outside and it was over 100 so to say the least we didn't stay the whole time.

Zeke loves his pudding especially chocolate!

Pheobe became jelouse when Zeke and his puppy took over her crate, luckily I had washed and vacumed out the crate and bed earlier in the day.