Saturday, December 11, 2010

Porch, 2nd Birthday, Who-ville

Zeke loves being a big brother!
Here is our new patio thanks to our parents help.

We left the end uncovered as a sandbox. It is one of Zeke's favorite places to play.

Zeke's favorite way to sleep.

Zeke's 2nd birthday cake, He loves trains.

Our ward Christmas party was a who-ville theme. Since Zeke and Dad were in need of a haircut anyway we gave them who-ville Mohawks. Zeke looks so cute we are thinking of leaving it for a while.

Mommy's who hair-do
Waiting in line for Santa. (we were able to braid Matt's beard :D )

Zeke had to sit on Santa's lap twice! He thought it was awesome.

Corban looks really relaxed in Santa's arms.