Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cronilogicly backwards

Do they look like country boys?

This is how we found Zeke after a nap one day. He had taken off his clothes and diaper

There is pic of Zeke in this same outfit on our blog (2008) do you think they look alike?

Thanks great g-ma Selman for the outfit!

"hey dad we are trying to watch TV"

Diaper Buddies (hopefully not for too much longer)

"look mom people just gave me this candy"

Teddy Bear

"Tool Man"

Blessing Day!

Taken a snooze together.

Being a big brother is hard work!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where are all the pictures?

Well to answer the above question they are still on my camera and I would love to show them to all of you but I can't find the cord that connects the camera to the computer and the card reader on the computer doesn't want to work. Thus no pictures but I will work on getting them on ASAP. I also need to give an update on how our family of 4 is doing but I have to go check on the boys so it will have to wait as well. Sorry.